1328 Apartment unit project available for partnership in Macaiba/Natal/North-East Brazil.
Gross Sales Volume = R$ 139,440,000
Initial Capital needed= R$ 4,000,000 (which includes down payment + finish first 4 blocks= 64 units)
Existing list of 300 buyers for the units.
64 units sold will give you approximately R$ 5.5 million return for the second phase of 112 units ( 7 blocks )
The land site is on the outskirts of Natal city,located on the main national highway in the satelite town of Macaiba (population of 70,000 inhabitants.
Macaiba is 7kms from the international airport of Natal and hosts an export free trade zone for manufacturers using the airport trade connections.
The housing project for 1328 apartments is fully licensed and work can begin immediately.
4 of the 83 buildings have already been constructed but not finished.
The land owner is looking to make a partnership with a developer in return for a small down payment and a % of the 1328 units built.
The project is suitable for the government re-housing program ( minha casa minha vida..see link for more information; http://investnatalbrazil.blogspot.com.br/2012/07/minha-casa-minha-vida-housing.html ) whereby Brazilian families receive low interest mortgages and subsidies to purchase the units.
There is an option to receive bank financing for the development also based on selling the units off-plan.
This is a fantastic opportunity to assume control of a major Brazilian housing development with little money down and a ready demand for the properties built.
The 2 bed apartments are 55m2 in size with a sales price of R$90,000.
There are also 3 bed apartments with 70m2 selling for R$120,000.
Construction costs range between R$700-R$900 per m2.
1-10 buildings of 16 units can be constructed in 3 months. The units can be sold during the construction phase and funds received within 6months (start to finish) with the right administration in place.
These funds can be re-invested in the subsequent phases until the project is completed.
I have more information on this investment opportunity so please contact me if you are interested.
Mike Smith
Professional Real Estate Broker in Brazil
Cell; 55 84 99993 8936
whatsappSkype; mikebrazilbeachhouse