336 apartment project in Parnamirim/Natal
19 apartment blocks
4 storey blocks
Each Unit=55m2
1 parking space
72 apartments under construction
105 apartments have been reserved for sale
The developer is looking for a partner to finance the project
This is one of 7 projects owned by the developer with over 2000
units to be built.
All projects are designated for the Minha Casa Minha vida program
Read more on this in the following link;
#This is the lay-out for one of the 55m2 apartments in the development#
What are the advantages of entering the brazilian minha casa market on a J.V?
1.Low entry fee
2.Simple to set up
3.Legal security via a standard partnership agreement.
4.Project management in place
5.Cheap cost of build per unit R$600 per m2/R$35,000per home.
6.Short build time for up to 20units per phase(6-8weeks)
7.Social benefit for the buyers of the homes
8.Pre-qualified buyers for your product
9.Short period to realise returns.12 months per building phase
10.High investment returns 50-75%
11.Minimal tax(1% for homes selling for 85,000reals)
12.Opportunities to replicate the formula and plough profits into the next project
Feel free to contact me to discuss this and other opportunities currently available with us for social housing projects in Natal/Brazil;
Mike Smith Real Estate Professional in Brazil License number;3125 Website; http://www.brazbeachhouse.com Blog; http://brazilbeachhouse-wwwbrazbeachhousecom.blogspot.com.br/ FB; http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brazil-Beach-House/126654720715275 Tel; NATAL,BRAZIL Office ; 0055 84 3225 2108 Cellular; 0055 84 8807 5651 SKYPE ; mikebrazilbeachhouse E-mail ; mike@brazbeachhouse.com